Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

I can't believe it is already January 1st! Ugh! You know what that means, back to school on Monday! I've had such a great break and an even better Christmas celebration. I just love this time of year! Over the break, I have cleaned and organized our extra bedroom (threw away 5 garbage bags of junk!), prepared our living room for new carpet and furniture, my dad hung a ceiling fan in our living room and bedroom, and I have been trying to get the kitchen in order as well! I'm so excited to finally have some of our wedding frames hung up!

Christmas was absolutely wonderful! I am always so blessed. Some of my favorite gifts: new fossil "bling" watch, Uggs, Cricut, steamer, paper shredder, Happy Everything attachment, and of course clothes! I hope everyone had as merry of a Christmas as we did.

I finally got my hair chopped. I swore I would get it cut off the day after the wedding, but after growing it out for two years, I had become fondly attached to my long pony. No more. On Wednesday, I had enough so Alyssa chopped it short and put some dark highlights in as well. I love it!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm Back!

Well, a lot has happened in the seven months since my last post...

1) I worked my sixth and final summer at the Decatur Park District as the reading and math specialist. Yes, I did say FINAL... And I mean it this year! I love my job at the Park Distict, but I get so pouty on nice, hot summer days when I have to work eight hours instead of enjoy the pool. I'm also looking forward to the break from planning educational activities!

2) I started my second (and final!) year in the Educational Administration program at good ol' EIU. It has gone by fast and has been relatively easý, but I'll be glad when the busy work is all complete. I'm currently working on my practicum experience with Mr. Carlton. Don't worry- it's only 120 field hours, 7 projects, and 20 activities. Whew- good thing we're not full time teachers as well ;) Actually, good ol' Illinois is going to raise the expectations for future administrators, so if you're interested in completing the program, start NOW!

3) I had to save the best for last! Doug and I were married on Oct. 10, 2009. It was a beautiful day and everything went perfect! All 4 of our little participants even walked down the aisle! We are both enjoying the married life. We are very busy with work and cheer, and we often only see each other in passing, but we couldn't be happier! We are truly blessedm I will post pictures when I'm not laying in bed typing on my Blackberry... Hey, it's Christmas break!!

I promise I will not fall off the face of the blogging Earth again!

Merry Christmas and God Bless!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer Vaca is Here!!

Summer vacation kicked off Tuesday with our annual Teacher Boat Party on Shelbyville Lake. It was a lot of fun and extra special because we had a retiree to honor! The weather ended up being better than expected. It rained a few times but luckily the party boat had a top over the picnic table/food area. I'm still trying to process that school is really done for the year. It seems more like Spring Break, but if you were to visit my classroom, it is definately Summer Vacation! Hard to believe I will be starting my fourth year in August... man how time flies! I'm getting to the point where I can't use the "I'm new" excuse which I kind of like.

I got a text yesterday asking if I was ready to start at the Park District on Monday. I thought I had a few more weeks to just lay around before I was needed to work job #2! I of course said that I will be there... I have a hard time turning down a chance to make some extra money! I may see if I can just work 8 - 1 so I will still have some good lay out time.

Doug and I took the pool cover off on Sunday. I'm impressed by how great the water looks! I just need for it to stop raining and get a little warmer so I don't have to swim in icicles! We haven't had any major encounters with Brother Bob yet... My fingers are crossed for a peaceful summer. He's been outside a few times and just kind of gives me the stare.... I'm fine with stares, I just can't tolerated the cussing madness! Luckily, he has been working at Kroger during the day and I'm praying for both our sakes he keeps up that schedule. After getting the pool all ready to go, my goal is to put up a nice, tall privacy fence all around our lot. I feel we owe our four-legged child that much this summer!

In a few hours my momma and I are heading to Seno Formal Wear to order our invitations. I think we picked out some good ones.... now I'm just hoping they are actually available to order. While deciding on how many invites to order, we also worked on narrowing down our guest list which was not an easy task. I think all our "major" wedding tasks will be completed after we get our order placed... Notice "major"... we still have a LOT to do! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

I get to brag!

Wow... it has been a LONG time since I last blogged! Either that is a sign that I am really busy or that I just haven't had much excitement to blog about...

I just checked EIU PAWS and I get to brag for 2.2 seconds... I got an A in both my Personnel Administration and School LAW classes this semester! Yipee! It has been a long, stressful semester with Law on my plate mixed with Grandpa's health worsening right at finals time. After studying, reading, reporting, and speaking law jargon for several months, it has paid off! I can't tell you how good that A feels. Only 4 semesters left and you can call me Master Mindy :)

Ok, I'm done! Only 8 official days of school left... minus field day, an AR reward movie, a math facts reward movie, and clean out our lockers/desks day.... summer is so close I can feel the warm sunshine mixed with lounging in my pool!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another Classy Weekend

This weekend was my first personnel class... or as the teacher would say, human resource development. I guess he is right, the second does sound a lot more important. Personnel consists of hiring, retaining, and motivating teachers. Class was pretty simple... which is okay. I figure as long as I get credit, I don't care at this point how long we meet or how technical we get. Last night we were suppose to be in class from 5 - 10 p.m. Our teacher lectured from 5 - 6 and then we went on a 15 minute break. He lectured again from 6 - 6:15 then we went on dinner break until 8. We went back at 8 and by 8:30... DONE! Pretty easy night! Our class was suppose to meet again today from 8 - 4. Our professor decided 8 was a little too early so we started at 9 instead with bagels from Panera. Introductions took from 9 - 10 and then we took a 15 minute break. From 10:15 - 11 we worked on project one then took a lunch break from 11 - 1. He wrapped things up after lunch and we were good to go at 1:30. Now that is what I'm talking about! Pretty short, sweet, and to the point :)

Happy Birthday to me!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy News

I will finally be able to get a good nights sleep after hearing that I will be teaching 5th grade again next year at M.I.S. I told myself from the very beginning of the year that I wouldn't worry about my job again this year come "cut time." Unfortunately, the more rumors that are spread, the more I WORRY! I am probably one of the luckiest teachers because I have a GREAT principal who I know would/will fight to save my position until I am tenured. There is a special board meeting on Monday to decide who will be where next year! Please pray for the members as they make the personnel decisions next week that will benefit our District positively in the future. I find it a crazy coincidence that I start my Personnel class this weekend. I'm hoping to learn some inside secrets that I can use to improve my ways of teaching. Happy Birthday to me! :)

My Cardinals porch/Doug's man cave is ALMOST completely painted. The red walls were finished yesterday and one coat of white was added to the remaining walls and ceiling. I think after one or two more coats we can take up the carpet and paint the floor. I know it's crazy, but I have decided to put a floor paint down and then just get a large area rug to cover the majority of the floor. That way I won't have to worry about the door leaking when we get major rains. My goal is to have everything complete by opening day... we will see!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

State Tournament

Yesterday was a very intense basketball game at the Peoria Civic Center as the Meridian basketball team played in the final four game. We won, but it was't pretty. Actually, I don't even know if you can say we won by playing to win. We simply played to not lose. In the first half we were up by 17 and most fans, including myself, thought the game was in the bag. Oh, no! Meridian ended up winning by only 3 points. I'm really hoping the championship game is not as close... I really like winning by 20 and have been pretty spoiled the whole season! :) The game is on TV today so check it out. Meridian is 1A and will be playing at 12:45. Go Hawks!